Peanut-Crusted Cod

I'm glad I tried this recipe again properly. I tried it once last year with tilapia as a substitute for cod, and it was pretty vile.

Of course, my opinion might have been tainted by the fact that I "spent twenty minutes shelling the peanuts that I bought in-shell to save a buck, and then another twenty minutes thawing the fish. No. Not at the same time. Sigh."

Here is your small ingredients list!

Peanut-Crusted Cod

1/2 cup flour
1/4 t. cayenne
1/2 cup chopped peanuts
4 4-oz cod filets (or however many you need!)
salt and pepper
2 egg whites, lightly beaten
cooking spray
1 t. butter - not pictured, :(

In a small bowl, combine flour and cayenne. Spread mixture on a plate. Spread peanuts on another plate.

Season filets with salt + pepper on both sides. Dredge filets through flour, dip into egg whites, and press one side of each into chopped peanuts.

Coat a skillet with cooking spray, and melt butter over medium heat. Place filets peanut side-down and cook for about 3 minutes on each side, or until done.

Served with the ultimate in gourmet, stovetop stuffin'.

Eventually, I'm gonna run out of genius relevant videos to post. Until then, ride the wave.

Recipe adapted from The Healthy Calendar!

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