The Juice is Loose - Day 1: Green Juice

I'm starting the blogging process right away, because who knows what will happen from here.

I have survived making my first juice!

Today was Day 1:  Green Juice, and the kick-off to this 3-day event.

So, the first step was to gather all my supplies:


My awesome cavelike work station.

My Ingredients:
4 apples
3 cucumbers
1 bunch of celery
2 handfuls of spinach
1 handful of parsley
4 stalks of kale
1 lemon
1 teaspoon of ginger root

And of course, my kitchen helper, Snowball.

This was definitely a learning experience for me!  Also, it was a little slow going, since this is my first time using a juicer, even though I've owned one since at least 2013.  Sorry, Mom.

Not only did I have to divvy up my ingredients and wash everything, but I also needed to consult The Juicing Bible for how to treat each and every fruit and vegetable.  Do I peel this?  Core this?  Include the stalks? Turn head?  Cough?

Once I got everything situated and ready to go into the juicer, it was pretty quick!  Almost too quick, as my juicer jumped and knocked my juice-catching pitcher away from the spout a few times.  I would say overall it was successful, although I think I messed up with the greens.  I think I fed them too fast since they barely yielded anything.  Not that I know what a normal yield is either.  Also, I had to use frozen spinach instead of fresh.  Please help.

I also wonder if I did this right because the whole recipe didn't yield 64 OZ like the infographic said; it yielded maybe 40 OZ.  At any rate, it did come out delicious and green!  Check out my first cup!

Also pictured:  the first of many glasses of water I will be drinking over the course of the next few days.

She looks how I feel right now.

Actually, I feel fine!  It is only noon on Saturday of course, and I've already started shotgunning ibuprofen to get ahead of this inevitable caffeine withdrawal.  I was also proactive and put my dinner for the next three nights in the slow cooker.  I will post that tomorrow if it turns out well.

Catch ya on the flip side!

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