Baked Ham with Mango Chutney

All recipes are part of the Healthy Calendar adventure!.

I love this; this is probably the prettiest and most colorful meal I've ever featured on here!

This was my first baked ham, which turned out great because, really, if you screw this up, you're kind of a miracle. The homemade mango and onion chutney turned out really well also!

One thing I have loved about this cooking adventure is that it gives me the opportunity to discover and try new foods and ingredients I wouldn't have experienced otherwise. Also, thanks to this book, I now have just about every condiment known to man.

This recipe isn't actually weird and I have made things with mango chutney before, but I've always been leery about mixing certain food groups. I have always been very weird about combining fruits with just about anything that isn't also a fruit.

NO MORE. Pork mixed with fruit is simply amazing.

Another thing I love about this meal is it adequately demonstrates how we [the royal we!] should be eating at dinner. Note how there are three different vegetables, and they take up half the plate! In theory, half your plate should be vegetables and the other half split evenly between meat/protein and starch/carb. In the case of my household, we are probably better off with more ham and less starch. Also, the more colorful variety of vegetables in your diet, the better!

1 comment:

Tim Chaney said...

I have residents giving me recipes all the time. One good ole eastern shore starchy desert was bread pudding with raisins and peaches or any of your other favorite fruits.