Spicy Chicken Chili

I love chili. I mean I really love chili, especially if it is non-traditional chili. To me, traditional chili means that beef, beans, and tomatoes are the main ingredients, and you need Frito Scoops to really enjoy it. My favorite chili in the world is a vegetarian chili I make with butternut squash as the meat stand-in. Also, I never get heartburn from it...

But this Spicy Chicken Chili is probably one of the best meated chilis I've ever had!

It felt a little bastardized to me when I realized the bulk of this chili came out of about seven different cans, since my veggie chili is made with almost all fresh ingredients. Course, I also saved myself a world of pain by using canned jalapenos in this recipe, as opposed to the fresh ones I seed and chop for my veggie chili. It only took me one time without gloves to realize they were definitely a necessity... -.-

I also had to cube raw chicken for this recipe. I've really gotten around my fear and dismay at handling raw meat for the most part, thanks to this month's recipes.

Overall, this was a really spicy, really colorful, really delicious chili!

In other news, it's Christmas Eve! I am going to make a cake for Christmas straight outta the Healthy Calendar. The December dessert is Raspberry Almond Layer Cake. Looks awesome, sounds awesome, pictures to come in probably another month, at the rate I'm going!

In other other news, I've started taking garlic supplements for reasons I don't feel like disclosing, but I expect great results from this! Garlic is probably one of the healthiest things in the world for you to eat! I got a new book called Prescription for Herbal Healing. It's a great book in which you can learn the medicinal value of almost any herb or spice in the first half, and in the second half, it is organized by disorder with a list of beneficial herbs and in what form you can find them.

Don't worry, I haven't become some hippie overnight or anything! I just am really interested in the prevention and treatment of problems through the use of nutrition and herbs/spices as opposed to "drugs 'n shit". Obviously anything serious should be checked out by a real doctor, but a small addition of herbs and spices in food or supplement form can do wonders. Garlic for one, has been thought to help prevent cancers and heart attacks. It also lowers cholesterol and blood sugar and fights to prevent fungal infections, parasitic infections, and ulcers. Also, it tastes damn awesome.

You might need to wait a bit or skip ahead a few seconds to get proper video quality here, but it was the only video that wasn't just a recording of someone's 1980's television set.

1 comment:

afterthegoldrush said...

"I think that's what killed Curly".