Baked Potato Soup

I've spent the last few days driving to and from Vermont so we could take care of bidness, and I'm tired as hell. I did manage to go grocery shopping last night for the next six meals, and also, with a beer-fueled attack of mania, cleaned the bathroom!

I also ordered our "Thanksgiving Meal For Two" from Giant. Sean will have to work that day because, as it turns out, old people still need to eat on holidays. For twenty bucks, I can get a turkey breast, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, butternut squash, rolls, and a pumpkin pie. And all I have to do is heat it. Yeah, so I don't care what you traditionalists say, that's freaking awesome and delicious. I don't have to slave over the kitchen all day, and we can have a relaxing evening at home together. I'm also going to make Cranberry Salad and a Sweet Potato Pie, courtesy of Healthy Calendar. It's like having pumpkin pie twice!


So, this isn't the best picture of Baked Potato Soup, but the camera sputtered and died during the photography process, and I was ready to eat!

This was really really really delicious, but I am having trouble seeing the nutritional saving grace, especially for a diabetic! It's potato! Maybe the problem is we are failing to observe the suggested serving size put forth by the book. Oh well, I'm not making a separate dinner just so we can have a cup of soup with it.

The book DOES substitute turkey bacon for real bacon. Verdict: shitty. It's not TOO noticeable in the soup I suppose, but of course I had to make an extra test strip, and turkey bacon sucks! But, my arteries will thank me, as it has 65% less fat than good bacon. And the less fat in your diet, the better your circulation will be. My posts will be more frequent this week, I swear!


afterthegoldrush said...

We understand. You had "bidness" to take care of. I will be working on the 26th also. Then I will go home and eat a bologna sandwich.

CrAfTMoNkEyDoMesTiCdIvA said...

I <3 Turkey Bacon!!!! When I first tried it I thought it was disgusting too, but the longer you use it as a substitution in your diet the more it grows on you...

Tim Chaney said...

I'm working Turkey Day too. After looking here I need to go to the store cause I'm getting hungry LoL