Pesto Chicken Pita & Brussels Sprouts with Citrus Butter


What you can't see inside the pita is chicken and delicious delicious pesto sauce - fresh basil, pine nuts, parmesan cheese blended together and mixed with half-and-half. The sauce was wonderful, but blending the ingredients together wasn't. I might have to ask Santa for an immersion blender, because I can't think of anything in my kitchen more infuriating to work with or clean than a regular blender.

The brussels sprouts were also awesome in their citrus butter. Who knew that butter, salt and lemon juice could work such magic? Probably everyone but me.

Brussels sprouts have been thought to prevent different types of cancer due to the phytonutrients and the fact that it is a cruciferous vegetable, and all cruciferous vegetables have EXTREEEEEME DETOXIFICATION POWERS! :O :O :O

And the best thing about this dinner was the fact we had leftovers!


truantjohnny said...

I don't really like brussels sprouts but this looks awesome.

afterthegoldrush said...

Don't you EVER work?
And, when did you make this...
didn't we go out to dinner last night?