Turkey Lasagna

All recipes are part of the Healthy Calendar adventure!.

I love that as soon as I sign up for AdSense with my blog, I stop updating. Greatest business mind, ever.

So, I am mainly posting this meal as a cautionary tale. Do NOT use ground turkey in lasagna, because it is horrendous.

I made this in the usual way you would make any other lasagna. First, I cooked the turkey in a jar of marinara sauce. Then I mixed together a 1/2 cup mozzarella, 15-oz. container of ricotta, 1/4 cup grated Parm, an egg, and a few tablespoons of dried parsley. I coated the bottom of the baking dish with cooking spray and a jar of marinara. I layered my noodles, cheese mixture, and meat sauce until I ran out, covered the dish with foil, and baked for 25 minutes. Then, I removed the foil, tossed some more cheese on top, and baked for another 25 minutes!

I have certainly enjoyed ground turkey as a substitute for ground beef in almost every instance, but this was just awful. I shouldn't say awful, because I didn't throw it out after the first bite, but I didn't even get seconds or eat it the next day. The cheese mix was actually wonderful, but the turkey gave it a 'wrong' taste that set everything off. Perhaps next time I shall make it Veggie Lasagna!

I'm getting burnt out on the Healthy Calendar, but I have an ace up my sleeve. And as always, I'm way backlogged on dinners anyway, so there will be plenty of filler til then, if only I can make my lazy self update!

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