Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired

I am sick of being afraid. I have been afraid of one thing or another my entire life, and I'm SICK AND TIRED OF IT!! I am no longer afraid to speak. I have been pushed to insanity by the other tenants at a hellhole run by the biggest slumlord in this town! I am not naming names (though I'm sure it's obvious), because they still have a chance to redeem themselves, before this is over.

We are trying to leave as soon as possible, and will update this situation as it happens. I am prepared to be taken to court, and in the event I am still stuck paying, every person in this town will know to never rent from them again.

And maybe this blog will make enough money to pay it off! :O


afterthegoldrush said...

You are not alone in this. I will FIRE my blog up with a vengeance and they will rue the day that they decided to not let you out of your lease. MARK MY WORD!

Blog Editor said...

Your blog may not make enough money to fight these guys {few would}, however, it is your STRONG, PERSISTENT VOICE that is more powerful than any money {especially our American money-to get a British pound, once the guy stops laughing, you have to give him about a buck-fi'ty to get a single pound}......And yeah, you got a lot of people also with powerful voices that would just love to take on a bully or two if they try to intimidate you any further. And intimidation not only leads to actual damage awards, but punitive damage awards....and actually proves your case in court that your lease should be null and void because as a mutual contract satisfied by consideration paid {i.e. your rent}, your landlord isn't meeting his end of the arms-length bargaining process.

Blog Editor said...

BTW-I believe I have tried to touch the nerve of the douchebag landlord trying to cause you so much harm-yeah, he is hard to get on the phone' do you think he is fishing or drinking at Seacrets??

I have left a message for him directly, as a journalist, to do a story on how he provides suitable, low-income housing for the poor-and , well, you DO declare all that on your federal income taxes don't you??

I retired from all my money making shit to realize this dream of a por journalist; hell if you have a soul-sucking blog where you charge, like, 50 companies for advertising space-well, isn't that also income that should be declared to Uncle Sugar, Jose...

Blog Editor said...

And next maybe that Cannon fuck-stain that thinks he is all that because daddy left him assets can remember me, pretty boy-I am the guy who was working for a living in your family building 'The Cannon Building" while urine, feces and cockroaches took over..reply, pretty boy?? You want to turn your nose up at me again you fuck!!

Tim Chaney said...

The more police reports you make the stronger your legs will be in getting released from the slumlord lease.

Make a list of things that you see and document with photo's to make your case.

Do case searches for that apartment address also. Also look into city code non compliance as well as a reason to bail out.

Tim Chaney said...

Just don't pay the rent. Settlement being pay the rent in exchange of tearing up the lease so you can just move out.