This Ain't Charlotte's Web...

I have an infestation!


Since moving into my new apartment (6/18), I have seen and killed an average of two bugs per day. First, there were ants in my bathroom. Then I saw a few beetley bugs in my living room and bedroom.

The new and most worrying plague is SPIDERS. Tiny spiders. Always in my bedroom and usually crawling on the wall beside my computer screen. Of course, they might be everywhere, but I am generally staring in that direction for most of the day.

I resolved to call the office in the morning to report this since it is no emergency, but as of 8:20 PM this evening, the scales have tipped. I found THREE tiny tiny spiders on my computer desk.

The size implies they are possibly BABIES, and there is a hatched nest somewhere in my house!! Also, the recent performance of my computer suggests they might have constructed the nest right on top of the processor.

I left a frantic message for the office, begging for someone to come genocide these little bastards. My mother also came to save me from myself, wielding Raid and Boric Acid, which we sprayed in every available crevice. (I still managed to find a spider on my wall between then and the time of writing :( ....)

Now I live my life in constant fear, where every piece of dust that flies by and every stray hair that brushes against my skin MUST BE SPIDERS.

I'm just waiting for the moment when one will descend from the ceiling as I eat my soup, plop down beside me, and shout:

"What's in the bowl, bitch?!"


Jessica said...

At least it's not bees.

And, oh my goodness, let me commiserate. Summertime = roaches. A.) The house infesting litter ones that are in almost every older dwelling (about a half inch). B.) The tree roaches which are TWO INCHES long and wander in your home, confused and scampering, very very fast.

Jessica said...

Also, a great way to curb ants is to spray (or douse) their entrance way with vinegar. Vinegar destroys their scent trails. In the old apartment, they came in through a window, lured by an improperly cleaned shot glass checkers set. They persisted after I threw that stupid game away. Because I didn't have an empty spray bottle, I just poured vinegar into the sill. Boy, did they hate the acidic liquid on their tiny little bodies. The vinegar stopped their indoor savaging for a month or two and only required a refresher to keep them out. I checked and the colony still was strong outside the window, but that had nothing to do with me.

Twirling Towards Freedom said...

If it were bees, I'd be lying in the corner in a fetal position, unable to speak or type!

Thanks for the tips!

noanonymousguesses said...

When I lived in that third floor walk up on Newton St. I also had an ant problem. Plus the windows were so old that there were gaps in the sash that you could stick your finger through to check the temperature outside.I would shove french fries in the openings and then pour vinegar on them. No more ants.On really hot days when friends would stop by,one would invariably say...Anyone up for Thrashers,I'm buyin".

afterthegoldrush said...

Where is the update?
Who got the cottage cheese and who got the yucky liquid?
Inquiring minds want to know!