My apologies, Internet, but a lot has been going on in my life, and a lot of introspection has been in order.
One of the most important tenets of my life is such: the unexamined life is a wasted life. While I feel over-examination at the cost of experience is also a waste, I like to make sure that I am not only comfortable, but happy with my life. I moved to Rhode Island primarily to freshen up the staleness that had overtaken me in New Hampshire; however, simply relocating isn't going to cut it. That being said, I have sought out a couple new methods of self-enrichment!
Firstly, I have enrolled in a bellydancing class! It is a progressive course, which means we actually grow and learn in the course, as opposed to a drop-in repetitive class. I can't stress strongly enough how much fun this class is! It is a total blast, and a great work-out for the mind, body, & soul. After my first class, I truly wanted to quit my job and just become a professional bellydancer. Realistically, I have a few more classes to go I think...
Secondly, I got a book-on-tape to teach me how to speak Italian when I'm in the car! With as much time as I spend in the car, for reasons both personal and professional, that is sure to keep me busy.
Thirdly, I found something to keep me actually updating this blog on a regular basis! It is a book called 500 Writing Prompts, and it is exactly what it sounds like.

I decided to kick this off with an easy one:
Name something that feels right every time you do it.
Swimming in the ocean. As a claustrophobe, looking out across an endless horizon is about as good as it gets! I never feel as free or as right anywhere else. I love to get out past the breakers and float, or stay among them and dive into the waves. The water has always fascinated me. In another life (or maybe this one - there's still time!), I might have become a marine biologist. Space may be the final frontier, but the ocean is the original! There is still so much down there we haven't even discovered yet. I know whichever path I may take, it will always lead me back to the giant pond.
We know it's not a Virtual Escape Artist entry without a tangentially-related YouTube video!:
And for fun, I wanted to include this awesome cover that a new friend introduced me to! For those of you suffering from what I call "Stairway Overkill", here is a really incredible cover of it live from the Kennedy Center Honors, that is sure to breathe new life into your enjoyment of the song: